Breast Pump - Need or Luxury?
Concerning breastfeeding, mothers are usually faced with some problems. This is the case since there are some challenges which include help in expressing breast milk especially when the mother is not in a position to feed the baby physically. This is where breast pumps come in. By augmenting supply demand and providing discrete breast pumps to working mothers, the organizations will foster higher supply of breast pumps to meet the demand in the market. A breast pump is a device which by hand or by machine is intended to express milk from the breast. Breast pumps have been on the market for several years, and therefore, there is a constant question whether it is a necessity product or a luxury one - and Promom is here to help you with it!
The Necessity Aspect
To a lot of women, a breast pump is not just an additional item but literally a must have. Here are a few scenarios where a breast pump becomes indispensable:
Returning to Work: They help mothers who cannot afford to have long maternity leaves which can last for months to continue with breast feeding while going back to work.
Latching Issues: Some of the babies experience problems when it comes to positioning them well to feed directly from the breast. With a pump, the baby does not miss the breast milk.
Milk Supply Management: Holding breast pumps can assist to alleviate engorgement, sustain the supply of breast milk and encourage further milk making.
Premature or Hospitalized Babies: Expressed breast milk is the best option in circumstances where a baby cannot directly feed on the breast owing to complications such as prematurity or illnesses.
Sharing Feeding Responsibilities: Breast pumps enable other people who could include partners and other relatives to feed the infant so that the attending mother is refreshed now and then.
At such times, a breast pump is not a mere gadget but an asset, which safeguards the health of the mother and her child.
Advantageous Physical and Psychological Consequence of Breast Pump Usage
Besides the obvious advantage of convenience, there are more health related benefits of using breast pumps. Frequent emptying aids mothers avoid feeling swollen and lowers the incidence of breast infection among lactating women. Expressing breast milk enables mothers who are away from their infants to have a more relaxed feeling when they have a reserve of milk already expressed ready for use. Third, improving both the child and the mother’s health and hygiene through joint feeding can decrease the amount of stress and burnout for the mother, for the betterment of maternal mental health.
Financial Considerations
The type of breast pump tends to vary in price with manual breast pumps being relatively cheap while double electric breast pumps being expensive. To many families, the outlay for a premium pump might seem like a luxury they cannot afford especially given that they are struggling financially. On the other hand, one must look at the big picture effect as in the long run this appears cheaper. In addition, breastfeeding helps to minimize the use of costly formula milk, and cutting the cost for an efficient pump in the long run proves cheaper.
Challenges in Breastfeeding
Despite the many benefits of breastfeeding it has also been described as a difficult process that some mothers go through. One of the most often encountered difficulties is the possibility for the mother to be near the baby and touch it to increase the milk production. This can be stressful to mothers who have to get back to work or school, travel or attend to other matters which concern them or their families. In such situations, there is a need to have a proper way through which they can expel breast milk.
Types of Breast Pumps
For this reason, there exist various types of pumps to meet the consumers’ needs and requirements in the market. There are the conventional or manual breast pumps that have a plunger that can be hand operated while battery or electric breast pumps are versatile that make use of motors. Secondary electric pumps that can pump the two breasts at the same time are preferred by working mothers and other mothers who need frequent milk expression.
Investment in a Breast Pump
Breast pumps are priced from as low as a couple of hundred dollars to over thousand dollars depending on the type, additional features and brand. Other mothers may deem this an encumbrance, given the fact that most present day medical insurance covers the cost of breast pumps. Nonetheless, purchasing a good quality breast pump can bring lasting advantages by supporting the mother's decision to continue with breastfeeding as well as improving the quality of the mother-baby relationship.
Expressing, Borrowing and Renting of Breast Pumps
For mothers who may not wish to make the investment on a pump there are other options like borrowing from friends, family or renting a pump from a rental service provider. This option is very advantageous to mothers who need the breast pump for a limited time only perhaps during maternity leave.
Breast Pump Maintenance
Several factors, therefore, make a proper maintenance of a breast pump an inevitable necessity for the proper working and hygiene of the equipment. And this involves cleaning all parts with warm soapy water or sterilizing them or in a dishwasher and discarding any sick or faded parts. Stores and keep it clean in line with the manufacturer’s guidelines because of another fact that an efficient pump will depend on how clean it is.
Thus, though some people will think that breast pumps represent an extra and do not see its benefits, the supporting benefits to the mothers who use it make the product an essential one. By providing a way of achieving breast milk, breast pumps ensure that a mother’s baby gets fed with breast milk regardless of the mother’s absence. Purchasing a good breast pump helps women sustain breastfeeding, establish better communication with their children, and improve everyone’s quality of life. Get yours today with Promom.in!