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When Is the Best Time to Use an Electric Breastfeeding Pump?

When Is the Best Time to Use an Electric Breastfeeding Pump?


It is also a challenge to determine at what point which mom should begin to use an electric breastfeeding pump in addition to breastfeeding your baby. Expressing breast milk has several advantages ā€“ this means that the milk can be collected and frozen for future use, the flow of milk can be obtained when the baby is not present, and the milk production can be increased. Timing of pump utilization is important so that pumping sessions are effective and conducive to your breastfeeding plan.

Get the Timing Right with

This fact shows that the timeline when the electric breastfeeding pump is introduced plays a significant role. It is suggested to delay the use of a breast pump to when breastfeeding is well set, which is 3 to 6 weeks after birth. There are a few reasons for waiting:

  • This is why it is wise to set up a good milk supply first before starting to work. In the first several weeks, babies drink extremely often to let your body know that you must supply masses of milk. If you begin pumping before you need it, the production might be too much or reduce the amount your baby takes during breastfeeding.
  • Allow your baby to dictate the first steps in whatever activity you are planning. During the first months, your body is still balancing the difference between you and your baby. It is suggested that before you introduce the pump, let your baby take the lead as to how often they need to be fed.
  • Minimize the chances of developing what is commonly referred to as nipple confusion. Delaying the start also avoids situations when the baby will get confused with breastfeeding and suckling on the nipple.

Know When To Use Electric Breastfeeding Pump |

So, if you have to use your electric breastfeeding pump, you can start it once you and your baby are comfortable with breastfeeding and the flow is okay. But when exactly should you incorporate pumping sessions into your fat loss plan? Here is guidance around the best times:

  • In the Morning: For instance, most moms have more milk in the mornings than at any other time of the day. The first meal should be given in the morning, the aim being to pump first after the feeding is done.
  • Between Feedings: Pumping after a breastfeeding session but before the next feed cues is the right thing to do when it comes to expressing breast milk. We are not completely empty or overly full, our breasts let us know that.
  • After a Missed Feeding: In case you are to be away at the time when your baby is due for a normal feeding time, you should express and then feed him or her with the pumped milk. This helps to ensure the supply and demand are adequately balanced.
  • At the First Sign of Decreased Supply: If you fall below your normal supply levels, feed your baby with the help of the pump or offer breastfeed more often. This would inform your body that it can start producing it again at a faster rate.

How to Combine Electric Breastfeeding Pump with Feeding | Promom.inĀ 

This is a question that new moms ask, and the answer is: make pumping work alongside feeding. Learning how often using an electric breastfeeding pump can be done and the time to be used in feeding the baby with breast milk may at first seem quite challenging. Here are some tips that can help:

  • Feed on one side first, then pump the second: This enables your baby to feed on the milk they need while at the same time trapping and storing the milk in the other breast.
  • Pump when someone else gives a bottle: If you have frozen milk or you are also expressing a supplement, feed times, when someone else is feeding your baby, is the perfect time to pump.
  • Pump immediately after nursing: If your baby has fallen asleep early or seems to have fed enough then wake them up to take the next feed, use any window between the active feedings during the day to pump for 10-15 minutes.

The Magic Number with Electric Breastfeeding PumpĀ  |

Nursing a newborn can sometimes be tricky and this includes the question of how often one is supposed to pump a day. This is based on the guideline that you should pump as often as your baby eats, possibly 8 to 12 times per day if you are exclusively pumping. For working or occasional pumping purposes, most of the lactation consultants suggest that the breast pump needs to be used thrice a day for about fifteen minutes to keep up the supply. One should also be careful not to overdo it and fall into the trap of oversupply. Some of the problems which can arise from electric breastfeeding pump are: pumping too early, too often or in the breasts that are emptied as much as possible. Watch out for:

  • Strong letdowns
  • Choking or gulping by the baby during feeding sessions
  • Fussiness and gassiness
  • Green frothy poops

Even if they are just a few, you need to alter your pumping schedule immediately if you are experiencing multiple oversupply signs so as to regulate the production of breast milk in accordance with the needs of the baby.


The key to making pumping work for you is to plan it properly and to be flexible enough to readjust the plan as the baby dictates. However, it is keen to note that determining your own best time to introduce the use of an electric pump in addition to nursing your baby might not be easily determined at first. Another tip when using an electric breastfeeding pump is that you should not expect much the first few times since the body is still getting used to the effort. Be as dynamic as possible with the pumping schedule especially if you deal with some problems such as low supply or oversupply. All of that can be fixed, but most importantly, donā€™t be too hard on yourself ā€“ youā€™ve got this, mama!