
Is it Better to Breastfeed or Pump?

Breastfeeding is one of the best ways to feed a baby while breast milk pumping is also suitable. Finally, it is possible to get the...
Is it Better to Breastfeed or Pump?

Breastfeeding is one of the best ways to feed a baby while breast milk pumping is also suitable. Finally, it is possible to get the advantages of both the techniques of breastfeeding and breast pump. Let us take a closer look at some of the differences between these two means of determining the sample size and the advantages of each.

Breastfeeding Directly

Breastfeeding refers to the process whereby the mother feeds the baby directly from her breast, and this method of feeding has the added advantage of allowing direct skin contact between the mother and the baby and this is good for the baby’s health as well as the mother. Also, demand feeding aids in creating and sustaining supply since supply and demand are in direct correlation to each other. Some pros of breastfeeding directly include:

  • Fosters attachment and bonding.
  • Milk is always at the right temperature
  • No cost option
  • There is no need to prepare bottles
  • Assists the uterus to contract after delivery
  • It may help to promote the right jaw and teeth position.

However, some cons of exclusive breastfeeding are:

  • The time required to dedicate to a schedule of frequent feeding.
  • Inflexibility in situations where one is required to be out of reach of the baby
  • Doubt whether the baby is well-fed

Pumping Breast Milk

Expressing breast milk via breast pump makes it possible for other caregivers to give the baby a bottle from the expressed breast milk. This gives the mother more leeway in terms of when she can leave the house. Excess breast milk can also be pumped and stored for use at a later time when the baby is not thirsty. Some pros of pumping breast milk include:

  • Enables others to feed the baby.
  • In the event of a shortage, stored milk is available to take the place of fresh milk.
  • Can monitor the precise quantity of the baby’s diet.
  • Doubles as a supply if you have to be isolated from your baby
  • Gives the mother the freedom to do things on her own

Cons of pumping involve the time commitment and equipment issues such as:

  • Duration tied to a pump
  • Difficulty in finding time and the lack of private spaces to pump.
  • Proper cleaning of the pump parts

Combining Breastfeeding and Pumping

Most lactation consultants advise that the best way to feed your newborn is actually to breastfeed and use a breast pump machine at the same time. This “mixed feeding” approach means that you get all the benefits of direct nursing and pumping milk. Here are some of the biggest benefits of mixed feeding:

  • Increased Milk Supply: Pumping and nursing also means that the woman can switch between the two systems to ensure that there is an increase in the availability of milk since the two systems work under supply and demand. Each time the breasts are taken to feed the baby or during any form of separation from the breasts, the body starts producing more milk.
  • Bonding While Pumping: Mothers can also interact with their babies during pumping by looking at the baby, talking and singing to them, etc While pumping, the baby can be held close and thus allowed to touch the mother.
  • Backup Milk Supply: Pumped, stored milk provides you with reserve milk in case you have to leave the baby or if you are unable to produce enough breast milk in direct nursing.
  • Help Engorgement: If your breasts get hard and swollen it can help you to express milk for the baby when they are due to feed.
  • Cover Gaps Between Feedings: Babies can feed frequently within a given period and then space their feedings over longer periods later. Pumping alongside breastfeeding guarantees that the baby’s tummy is always full of the required nutrients.
  • Easier Transition to Daycare: Bring the bottles with pumped milk using a wearable breast pump closer to the time you have to go back to work to make the transition to daycare easier for both of you.
  • More sleep: For night feedings, your partner or another caregiver can bottle feed the baby with the expressed milk. It also helps the mother to have some rest.

It is necessary to know how to mix feeding methods with breastfeeding pump because feeding is a critical aspect of the breastfeeding journey, especially in the initial stages.

Tips to Breastfeed and Pump

For many new mothers, breastfeeding and pumping breast milk can be the best of both worlds. Breastfeeding is also beneficial to the mother and the baby because it is a natural way of feeding the baby. Introducing occasional pumping sessions creates a pumped milk storage which allows the mother to leave the baby for a while, go out, or even get some rest while a partner or relative feeds the baby with the pumped milk. But pumping can help in some circumstances when production is low compared to the needs of the baby. If you decide to use both breastfeeding and pumping, keep these tips in mind -

  • Pump after or between direct nursing sessions, if feasible and convenient.
  • Supplement the breastfeeding with bottle feeding at least once during the day
  • Take more often at night to increase prolactin in the breast
  • Ensure that baby still has a good suckling reflex and can latch well at the breast
  • Avoid giving your baby a bottle until she is feeding well on her own.
  • Avoid fast-flow nipples as they can cause nipple confusion.

Several women confirm that complementary strategies improve the experience of breastfeeding for them. It is still possible later on for the dad or other persons to engage in feedings with breast pump, and hence, have their fair share of bonding with the baby. Coupling pumping with breastfeeding sessions is therefore beneficial in a way that makes breastfeeding more possible, pleasant, and convenient for many mothers.


From the details above, you can note that using both breastfeeding and pumping has several advantages over either direct breastfeeding or exclusive pumping. Consult with a lactation specialist on how to come up with the most suitable mixed-feeding plan for you as a mother and your baby. To buy your comfortable breast pump, visit Promom today!