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Functions of A Breast Pump

Functions of A Breast Pump |

Choosing whether or not to breastfeed and then negotiating how that decision is going to be carried out practically in a coupleā€™s life is one of the first major decisions that parents make. However, if you decide to breastfeed your baby, you will realize that breast pumps are a valuable tool in the lives of many nursing mothers.

To avoid wasting your time once you are already in the hospital or at the breast pump store, it is helpful to become acquainted with the features, options, and appropriate uses of breast pumps ahead of time so you can make the right choice and also get the most out of it. Stay tuned as we discuss the primary purposes of breast pumps based on which we continue our search for the best model.

Assists in Establishing and Sustaining a Milk Production Process

A breast pump is needed in establishing, increasing and sustaining a proper supply of motherā€™s milk, especially for women who go back to work. It closely imitates your babies suckling to encourage the production of two hormones that promote the supply of breast milk, namely prolactin and oxytocin.

Permits the Delivery of Breastmilk When You Are Not With Your Baby

The first reason some first time moms use a breast pump is to have somebody else feed breastmilk to the baby when the mother is not around. Breastfeeding mothers who are in a workplace or are always on the move must express breastmilk and feed their babies from a bottle to ensure that they are still meeting the nutritional requirements of an infant.

Milk Ducts Expression

Milk ducts blockage and engorgement problems are a normal feature of lactating women due to the physiological changes in the mammary glands and the frequent feeding pattern of the infant. Both conditions occur when milk does not eject all the milk producing ducts and glands of the breast. Breast pump is considered an ideal remedy that will actively help to express the blockage of the milk which leads to breast swelling and pain.

Helpful for Father or Partner to Feed

Babysitter or fathers feel that they should be more involved in feedings and many wish to take feedings at odd times like at night or early morning to enable the mother to have a rest. It is the act of pumping milk that can be given to dad or any other caregiver to feed the baby through the bottle so that the partner can also have some closeness by feeding the baby. This keeps one or the other parent or partner more involved than when mom is solely breastfeeding.

Baby's Feeding Difficulty

It is not uncommon for babies to have issues with breastfeeding, and so feed baby breast milk if they struggle with nursing. Babies that have not yet developed well or newborns and preemies often have difficulty in proper latch on of early direct breastfeeding. This means that while a baby may not have the capability of breastfeeding properly owing to a lack of coordination or strength in their muscles, mom is still able to provide this vital nourishment using a breastfeeding machine.

This facilitates an infant to get the best initial nutrient delivery until the time the baby develops the suckling reflex and the oral muscles strong enough to form a vacuum seal right from the breast. Breast pumps are so useful for late preterm and early-term infants that the infants have poor suckling abilities.

Reduced Milk Surplus

Women with an increase in milk production or those with forceful let-down reflex might suddenly gush out the milk during breastfeeding. It is useful to express your milk before feeding the baby as it saves cleaning, mess and also saves more milk.

In Case of Sickness

When a baby is ill and cannot feed from the breast for a few hours due to separation from the mother, pumping breastmilk ensures they receive the nutrients found in breastmilk in their absence. Pumping ensures that your supply is kept up so you do not get the supply youā€™ve established back down before the baby is feeling better and nursing again on her own. It helps guarantee that your hospitalized or quarantined baby still gets your milk in case you can no longer feed them directly.

Enables Exclusive Breastfeeding to Co-Exist With Formula Feeding

It is also important to note that formula feeding does not mean that one has to abandon breastfeeding altogether. Breastfeeding your baby but wish to also give him/ her occasional, limited formula bottles, a breast pump machine makes combination feeding possible. As pumping facilitates your baby to take bottles of your breast milk most of the time, the rest of the feedings your baby takes formula. Some moms use a combination of formula feeding due to various reasons or to ensure that their baby gets all the ingredients that are in the formula.

Helps Adoption MothersĀ 

There are situations when the adoptive mothers want to breastfeed their adopted babies with the help of stimulated lactation. It is a method of employing breast pumps as well as supplemental hormones to initiate milk productionā€“ even if one has not recently given birth.

As reported, inducing lactation requires a lot of effort and regular pumping; however, some of the adoptive moms who are really willing to breastfeed her adopted baby can successfully produce enough milk supply for her baby. Finally, the pump is used to help the non-postpartum woman to start expressing breast milk since it stimulates lactation.


Breast pumps are actually very useful for breastfeeding mothers in so many ways from increasing breast milk supply to enabling feeding dispersal. The helpful features and functions are lined up side-by-side to allow you to compare which type of pump is most suitable for you. There is always some good pump to help you overcome any breastfeeding challenges that you may encounter on your journey. Having clear guidelines of when and how to use the pump helps one adhere to the breastfeeding plan. To buy your own breastfeeding pump, visit today!