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Easy Life Tips with Breast Milk Pump

Easy Life Tips with Breast Milk Pump

A breast milk pump is one of the most important tools that can be used by any breastfeeding mother. Expressing breast milk enables one to store the milk for use later, build and sustain the supply of breast milk and be able to achieve great flexibility in the daily plan. Pumping takes a while to get used to, but there are some strategies that will help you to use your breast pump. In this article by, there will be simple tips which can help when pumping breast milk.

Choosing the Right Pump

The type of breast milk pump that is most suitable in your case will determine the kind of experience you will have while pumping. The types of pumps are the hand-operated pumps that are pumped by hand, the battery-operated pumps for occasional use and the electric pumps which facilitate the pumping process. When choosing a pump, think about how often you intend to pump and how much you are willing to spend. Double electric pumps enable you to pump both breasts at a go hence saves your time as compared to manual ones. Other features that are found in many electric pumps include the adjustment of suction levels and the use of massaging cushions.

Finding the Right Flange Size

An improperly sized flange can be not only uncomfortable to use, but will also decrease the efficiency of the pumping process. The flange is the component of the pump that connects to your breast. Ensure your breasts should fit the flanges without any friction, pinching or looseness around the edges of the flange. Many pumps come with standard size flanges, but to get an accurate fit for individual pumps, you may have to order the correct size flanges. Always consult a lactation consultant if you are unsure of the correct flange size for you.

Create a Pumping Station

To ensure that pumping becomes a routine activity to perform, you should find a specific location to use as your pumping zone. Prepare and organize your pumping station and ensure most of what you will need is within your easy reach such as breast pads, milk storage bags, nipple cream, snacks and water, pumping bra and hands free straps and a book or magazine to help you pass time while pumping. Choose adequate lighting and the right décor to avoid any distractions and interference with the relaxed atmosphere of the pumping area.

Listen to Relaxing Music

Playing calm music while using a breastfeeding pump can assist in the production of oxytocin for better milk supply. Make playlists with the kind of music that helps you to get into a very calm and relaxed mood every time you are pumping. Soft piano music or other instrumental pieces, sounds of nature, and meditation music are good choices. If you don’t like music, you can also opt for audio books or podcasts. Do not listen to any fast or loud music while pumping your breast milk as you want to be as comfortable as possible.

Massage Before Pumping

Before you engage with a breast milk pump, try to do some breast massages to increase the flow of milk. First, start with warm compresses on the breasts for 3-5 minutes. Third, using the palm and fingers, apply mild circular movements over the breast skin starting from the outer part and working towards the areola. This gentle massaging of the lymphatic system aids in softening the breast milk and it is easier to express it once pumping starts. Repeat the massage for 5-10 minutes each breast.

Warm Compression

It is essential to apply warmth to the breasts when expressing milk as this assists in stimulating let-down and milk flow. It is allowable to use a warm water bottle, heating pad or pack which can be microwaved and covered with a towel while pumping. Some pumps have an extra feature where you can put heat packs right into the flanges of the pump. The only caution is that they should not be too hot to the touch which can be checked by placing it on the wrist. The warm heat is good for overfilled breasts to be able to release more comfortably.

Hand Express Mid-Pumping

Even if you use a wearable breast pump, pumping alongside hand expressing is said to increase the level of milk produced by as much as three times. Temporarily stop the pump after 5 to 10 minutes of pumping sessions with your breast pump and detach the accessory pieces. Palpate each breast for a few minutes by placing your fingers behind the areola and then squeezing it towards the nipple. It is sufficient to hand express for 1-2 minutes per side. Mid-way through hand expressing, one takes a break to release milk that may not easily drain to the pump thus ensuring that the breast is fully drained.

Incorporate Power Pumping

Power pumping is similar to the feeding habits of a baby, which tells the body to produce more breast milk. Power pumping can be done 1-2 times a day, 10 minutes of pumping followed by 10 minutes of rest. Continue the 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off schedule for 60 minutes in total. This stimulation during the resting phase creates a signal in the body that instructs it to produce more milk. Make sure to take a lot of water while in the process and also massage the breasts in between pumping.

Maximize Pump Output

It is always good to ensure that all the breast milk pump parts such as valves, membranes, flanges, and tubing are cleaned and fit correctly to ensure that the pumps work efficiently. Any parts that show signs of wear and tear, should be replaced, preferably every 90 days. Consult the manufacturer’s guidelines on proper use of the equipment in case you observe a decline in the output. Check that flange sizes of the pumps are not left behind in terms of growth of the nipples up to a certain extent. Last but not least, people should replace pumps if they are not getting desired performance from their current equipment.


Expressing breast milk has many benefits but it comes with an added load and sometimes stress. Each of these handy pumping tips could be implemented to cut down on the time and effort required for milking as well as make the most out of the valuable product – the liquid gold. Try different methods and see which method of relaxation is good for your body. Finally and most importantly, choose the best breast milk pump for you - with